
Raising A Little Chi…

I am writing this tonight on behalf of someone I have never met in person, yet who I have come to care about a great deal.  Amy is a fellow writer on World Moms Blog, which I am honoured to be a part of.  Amy and I have been getting to know one another through our respective blogs.  She is one of the bravest people I know.  For the last few months, she has been pretty much living at the hospital, at the bedside of her infant son, David, who is very sick with a genetic disorder.

And now Amy and David need your help.  David is in serious trouble – so serious that doctors are talking to Amy about DNR’s for her son (do not resuscitate).  There is a very real possibility that Amy, who has already lost one child to this illness, will have to say goodbye to her precious little boy.

Amy’s story can be found here:

I am choosing to believe that a miracle is still possible.

I am posting this, sending it out to whoever I can, in the belief that the greater the number of people who send out positive energy into the universe for Amy and David (a.k.a. Capt. Snuggles), the more chance we’ll have of a positive outcome.

So please, wing a prayer for Amy and David.  Think positive thoughts, send out some good chi into the universe.



  1. I have spent the last 30 minutes reading all of her words on her blog and I have tears. How terribly terribly heartbreaking – yet also inspirational – we should all have the strength to be the strong person that this mommy is.
    Sending lots of love and good mojo and prayers to Amy and her sweet boy.

  2. Amy is my daughter-in-law. She has more “guts” and courage than almost anyone I know.. She is devoted to her kids….She knows all the particulars of David’s care and can tell you each and very medication and treatment he has, what it is for, what it can do and the side effects. I am in total awe of her knowledge of his care. I am proud to have her as a daughter-in-law. Please keep Amy and David, our whole family on your prayers. God has made the lame walk, the blind to see and raised the dead..He CAN heal David!!

  3. Amy is my daughter-in-law. She has more “guts” and courage than almost anyone I know.. She is devoted to her kids….She knows all the particulars of David’s care and can tell you each and very medication and treatment he has, what it is for, what it can do and the side effects. I am in total awe of her knowledge of his care. I am proud to have her as a daughter-in-law. Please keep Amy and David, our whole family on your prayers. God has made the lame walk, the blind to see and raised the dead..He CAN heal David!!

  4. Kerry and Peggy, you are both so right. Amy is one of the bravest people I have ever known. Her strength in the face of all that she is enduring is phenomenal. She and David, and her husband and other kids as well, are constantly in my thoughts.

  5. Kerry and Peggy, you are both so right. Amy is one of the bravest people I have ever known. Her strength in the face of all that she is enduring is phenomenal. She and David, and her husband and other kids as well, are constantly in my thoughts.

  6. And, you are a great mom, friend, fellow blogger for posting Amy’s story, Kirsten. 🙂 I’m thinking of Amy and her son and hoping for the best.

    Veronica 🙂

  7. And, you are a great mom, friend, fellow blogger for posting Amy’s story, Kirsten. 🙂 I’m thinking of Amy and her son and hoping for the best.

    Veronica 🙂


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